Microsoft Azure Training Day: Managing Cloud Operations | Jakarta | 4 Feb 2020
4 Feb 2020 - Jakarta, Indonesia

There is more to managing and maintaining workloads in the cloud than deployment. Tailwind Trader's VM deployment has, up until this point, been on an ad hoc basis. Tailwind Traders recognizes that VMs that host IaaS workloads need to be maintained and kept in an orderly state. This includes ensuring that VMs have the most recent updates installed, VMs are backed up, and that application deployment to the VMs are tracked. Once the VMs are brought into a state of compliant order, guardrails need to be placed on the subscription to ensure that future VM deployments meet policy requirements and that costs don’t spiral out of control because someone accidentally deployed a resource intensive VM SKU. This event has advanced (level 300) content including the following technologies: Azure Policy, Azure Blueprints, Role Based Access Control, Subscription Management Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Extensions, Configuration Management, Inventory and Change Tracking, Virtual Machine/Backup and Recovery, Azure Active Directory.

Posted Date: January 13, 2020
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