Alibaba Cloud
Security Solution Day | Hong Kong | 13 Feb 2020
13 Feb 2020 - Hong Kong

Organizations rely on technology to differentiate their core capabilities, control costs, and drive sustainable growth. Mapping the best technology strategy to desired business objectives is critical but complex. In today's dynamic business world organizations must move with the times and consider ways to modernize their operational applications to deliver differentiated products and services and compete in the digital world.

With predictions of container adoption reaching 90% of enterprises in 2019 in most of the application modernization business initiatives, it’s critical that your team address them as a holistic part of your hybrid-cloud security strategy. If you don’t have someone on your team focused on developing and implementing a cloud security strategy with containers as an integral part, you are likely looking at a skewed picture of the risky containers are adding to your organization. So, what are your considerations on container security?

Posted Date: January 13, 2020
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